Indy Resource Center-Closed Need Volunteers
HSH Board elected Michael Brotherton as coordinator of Indy Resource Center. He had to close the Resource Center due to the difficulty of finding volunteers. It is necessary to have both male and female volunteers on hand when open, due to fact that our clients using the facility are both male and female. If you are reading this and think you would love to help facilitate this resource center, please contact HSH at the Community Access Center (Chris Mitchell or Kim Boyd).
Winner of Christmas Hog Raffle: Luis Ysusi. He donated meat to Community Access Center. Thank you for your generosity.

Chris Mitchell – COO of HSH Homeless Ministry, INC 2012~Present

“This is a picture from one of the Veteran’s housed at HSH Homeless Ministry. As I looked at it I thought it says it all. This is our goal for everyone homeless that comes to us for help.“